What is the stock code?
Which stock exchange is the company listed on?
The company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market on November 22, 2022.
When was the company founded?
The company was founded in February 2005. Please see History.
What is the scope of business?
The company utilizes its cooperation primarily with Japanese academia to build bridges with the global pharmaceutical industry, and provide drugs that address unmet medical needs. For detail, please see Business model.
What is the trading unit?
A hundred shares per one trading unit.
Do you plan to pay dividends?
No, we do not.
When is the general meeting of shareholders?
The annual general meeting of shareholders is held in May each year. All shareholders as of the end of February each year will be informed of the time and location of the meeting, 3 weeks prior to the event.
When is the fiscal year end?
The account settlement date is the end of February each year. The company announces financial results quarterly. For detail, please see IR Calendar.
When does the company annouce financial results?
Financial results are announced in July for 1Q, October for 2Q, January of the following year for 3Q, and April for Full year. Please also see IR Calendar.
Where can I find the latest results?
Please see IR Library and Financial Highlights.
Where can I find the past results?
Please see IR Library.
Where can I find information on corporate governance?
Please see Corporate Governance.
How can I contact you?
Contact us through Inquiry form.